DT3006 Close Coupled Extractive Oxygen/Combustibles AnalyzerThe Model DT3006 measures oxygen and total combustibles or carbon monoxide by using an eduction system to draw a sample from a stack or duct over a relatively short distance to a pair of sensing cells.
The first cell is a Zirconia sensor for measuring the oxygen. The second is either a platinum catalytic bead sensor for total combustible or an electrochemical sensor for carbon monoxide. The sensor chosen depends upon the accuracy and the measurement levels required, and whether total combustibles or carbon monoxide is the gas to be measured. The microprocessor control unit takes these cell signals and produces linearized readings. The readings are displayed on the backlit 4x20 character LCD. The microcontroller outputs a 4-20mA signal for each sensor. A Modbus RTU serial port configured for RS232 or RS422 is available. The microcontroller also has relay contacts to perform automatic back purge and calibration gas injection and remote alarm indication. Advantages
The DT3006 control cubicle house both the Oxygen cell and the Combustible cell. The signals from these cells are sent to the microprocessor Controller for analysis and display of appropriate values. Also housed in this cubicle are the Eductor and Eductor Pump that draw the sample into the Oxygen and Combustible Cells, as well as the flow gauges and the calibration gas solenoids. A drain solenoid is also provided for the external moisture filter. The transformer is used for the heater in the Oxygen Cell. Related Literature |